A glimpse of my mind

This was my experience on Saturday morning, it’s a glimpse of what PTSD is like.  I have said time and time again, it is ruthless and indiscriminatory in its nature.  I have no idea when it will decide to show its colors. People who live with this, on some level, are always bracing for it to show up. It doesn’t always. But man, when it does, it can range from mild to a doozy.

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Above and beyond – A tribute to my dad

I feel like I have been numb over the past week.  I cancelled my patients on Wednesday after my dad passing on Tuesday, which gave me until yesterday before I had to go back to work. I stayed mostly away from emails and to-do’s. I had this wired tired sensation that lived within me.  I was scared at times.  I got called out for not being compassionate with myself (thanks honey, xo). Continue reading