Mental Health Day

I was raised that no matter what, you push through and do what you need to do. This includes when you are feeling under the weather, which I am guilty of doing sometimes, even though I tell my patients to take care of themselves. So, you can imagine me taking time for me when I’m feeling OK and have things to do. Well, that’s what I’m doing today. Continue reading

Worry – For my daughter

Over the past three and a half years, I have watched, observed, and worried for my daughter Raffi, who is now officially a teen. Jesse came into her life when she was two and was first her daddy Jesse then her daddy. He connected with her in ways that to this day, I cannot copy. Her heart, along with mine were shattered on May 8, 2014 when I came home to find that he had killed Bella, her sister, and himself.  Continue reading

Anxiety and Dating

Last week I wrote about anxiety and lack there of. I have learned, and some may call this morbid, that I can not count on one thing or another with myself to last too long in that department.  The challenge with PTSD is it never goes away and has this intimate dance alongside of anxiety. I recently read the title of an article called “high functioning anxiety.”  My response was a hmfph, I got me some of that. I don’t stop. Well, that is not true.  I have taught myself to.  It is of course “scheduled” down time, god forbid I just allow it, right?! One of the ways I “deal with/manage/live with” the running movie reel in my head is to do and distract. When the PTSD and anxiety is particularly bad, you can count on me to ramp things up on my to do list. Continue reading