The power of sharing your story

I never knew I was able to, or, for that matter, had a gift for public speaking until I spoke to an over-flowing church for Jesse and Maribella’s memorial. After, many people commented and said, you are really good at that, especially under the circumstances, which got me thinking.

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Holding the Space

I have mentioned in many a post how I have been waiting for my kid’s grief to come to the surface, as it inevitably does for all of us at some point or way. Over the past few months, it has been bubbling to the surface. It is heart breaking as a parent when we see our kid in pain and can’t take it away or make it better.  Today was no different. Continue reading

Bursting my bubble – the work that needs to be done in suicide awareness and lethal means safety

This past week has been hard for all of us.  17 more innocent lives lost.  It brings to the forefront arguments that have been given time and time again, some correct, some incorrect. I am not going to get into them all, but wanted to touch upon a “conversation” from today via Facebook. Continue reading

Making major changes in the world one baby step at a time

I am on the Suicide Prevention Alliance for the State of OR.  It is an amazing group of people dedicated to reducing the rates of youth suicide in youth in Oregon.  Between being apart of this group, and Trump, I am learning a lot of how governments work, and don’t work.

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My thoughts as a loss survivor to Chester Bennington’s death

My mind has been going non-stop since last week when I heard of Chester Bennington’s death.  I watched and read as my suicide prevention community lit up Facebook with heartbreak and further resolve. Continue reading

Subconscious – Leading up to the 3rd death anniversary – Part 4

I was just at the American Association of Suicidology’s 50th Annual Conference in Phoenix, AZ this past week, where I had the honor to speak at twice (which is kind of a big deal for me).  Yeah, that is a mouthful, you should have seen the faces of people on the plane when they asked what conference I was going to and speaking at.  I digress, which I apologize ahead of time with this one, I am a little jet-lagged, which I will get to.  Continue reading

Death – our only guarantee

As far back as I can remember, I thought about death. I remember as a teenager, there was once a disagreement in the house, and I yelled, this is stupid, you can’t leave mad, what if I walked outside, tripped on the curb, and broke my head open, how would you feel?  Okay, maybe I was a bit dramatic as a teen… I also remember when Meet Joe Black came out, and after watching it, bawling my eyes out, I had one word, This. Death is the only guarantee we have in this life. Continue reading